Optimal solution to get a customise overview or deep dive on any SAP® subjects depend on your need

Optimal solution to get a customise overview or deep dive on any SAP® subjects depend on your need

Train you in the most efficient way the content define for the course
What is Seminars
Cleohpatra´s seminars are a small group session where you get the chance to discuss the content you need to learn. In the seminar, the participants determine the scope and depth of the individual topics to be covered.
This is a tailor-made product in where we analyses your needs and prepare a custom training for you. In the seminars our aim is to transfer our know-how to our customers with different methods. We combine basically 2 methodologies; Backflip Seminars and Instructor-led Trainings
Learning Targets
Learning targets are concrete goals that clearly describe what participants will learn and be able to do by the end of a course. Before you start, you will see in every course the targets that are design for.